Monday, October 15, 2012

Chapter fifthteen: Retailing 


Retailing- All the activities directly related to the sale of goods and services to the ultimate consumer for personal, nonbusiness use.
What kind of store is Nike?
 Nike is a franchise, a franchise is a continuing relationship in which a franchiser grants to a franchisee rights to operate or sell a product. Even though Nike has its own stores around the world, they allow other stores like Footlocker and Modells to sell their products.  
They also do electronic retailing(online retailing) which is, a type of shopping available to consumers with personal computers and access to the Internet. Nike many have operations in 160 countries but that doesn't mean that there is an actual Niketown store near you but there are many others stores that sell their products. If that isn't good enough, Nike has their website online which is:

I recently visited the Niketown at 6 East 57th Street, New York, NY. As I walked into the store I saw this (picture to the left). Its football season so Nike is promoting their new NFL jerseys, gloves and cleats as you walk in the store by having them in display. Walking around the store I saw almost every employee wearing these NFL jerseys. This Niketown is 5 floors high and each level sells different products for each sport including basketball, football, soccer, tennis and track. If you go to each floors you would see sneakers for each sport and employing promoting the newest products by wearing them as they talk to costumers. The employees were nice and when I asked questions about certain shoes they knew what they were talking about and made things clear for me. I recommend consumers to visit Niketown and feel the Nike experience.

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