Monday, October 29, 2012

Chapter eighteen: Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

Sales Promotion- is marketing communication activities, other than advertising, personal selling, and public relations, in which a short-term incentive motivates consumers or members of the distribution channel to purchase a good or service immediately, either by lowering the price or by adding value.
Nike being one of the biggest shoe selling companies help customers and brings in more customers by having  products on sale. Nike has a clearance section in their website for products that been online for a while and want to sell them all, having discounts on many products from all ranges like women's shoes, running shoes, basketball shoes, tennis shoes, soccer cleats, baseball cleats and football cleats. Nike also sells their kids shoes in a cheaper price so this brings parents in to buy shoes for their kids because of the conveniete prices.
Here is the website:,clearance&cp=USNS_KW_0611081618
There are also other websites like that have coupons codes and promotional codes for athletic shoes and sports apparel. Websites offer free shipping on any nike product.
Here are the links to these two websites:

Nike also being a franchisor, has their products being sold in stores like Finishline, Footlocker, Hyperactive, JimmyJazz and Dr.jays. Those stores also have their on sales promotions on the nike shoes they sell. Nike also has many sales when holidays are coming up, here is an ad for a old sales promotion:

Personal Selling- is a purchase situation involving a personal, paid-for communication between two people in an attempt to influence eachother.

When selling a product, the seller has to really know what they are talking about in order to persuade a customer to buy their product. I think that nike does a good job in this aspect because when i went into Niketown a couple of weeks back, every floor sold different shoes and sports apperal and in every floor, the employees knew what they were talking and strongly believed in what they said and sold. Anytime i had a question i could've went to any employee and trust in what they told me about the product i asked about.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Chapter seventeen: Advertising and Public Relations
What is advertising?
Advertising is defined as impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product or organization.
Advertising is a big part in marketing for businesses to show their products to the world by having things like commercials on TV and billboards around different cities, which is the traditional way of advertising. Nike's spending on TV and print advertising in the U.S. has dropped by 40% in only 3 years even though the total marketing budget for Nike has hit a record and increased to 2.4 billion last year.
So where has all this money gone to?
Well this is an easy question to answer. Nike has moved from TV advertisment and commercials to advertising through social medias like Facebook and Twitter. Nike is going where the customer is and the believe that the digital world allows the brand to interact even more closely with its consumers. Giving Nike the egde in its industry.
Examples of Nike's new advertising campaigns:
Nike right now has this 30-story high billboard that posts headlines from Twitter. Here is a video:
Nike also launches commercials and Ads on its Facebook page rather than on television. This brings the commercials straight to the customer when they get on Facebook rather than to wait for the commercials to hit the television. Here is one of those commercials:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Chapter fifthteen: Retailing 


Retailing- All the activities directly related to the sale of goods and services to the ultimate consumer for personal, nonbusiness use.
What kind of store is Nike?
 Nike is a franchise, a franchise is a continuing relationship in which a franchiser grants to a franchisee rights to operate or sell a product. Even though Nike has its own stores around the world, they allow other stores like Footlocker and Modells to sell their products.  
They also do electronic retailing(online retailing) which is, a type of shopping available to consumers with personal computers and access to the Internet. Nike many have operations in 160 countries but that doesn't mean that there is an actual Niketown store near you but there are many others stores that sell their products. If that isn't good enough, Nike has their website online which is:

I recently visited the Niketown at 6 East 57th Street, New York, NY. As I walked into the store I saw this (picture to the left). Its football season so Nike is promoting their new NFL jerseys, gloves and cleats as you walk in the store by having them in display. Walking around the store I saw almost every employee wearing these NFL jerseys. This Niketown is 5 floors high and each level sells different products for each sport including basketball, football, soccer, tennis and track. If you go to each floors you would see sneakers for each sport and employing promoting the newest products by wearing them as they talk to costumers. The employees were nice and when I asked questions about certain shoes they knew what they were talking about and made things clear for me. I recommend consumers to visit Niketown and feel the Nike experience.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Chapter six: Consumer Decision Making

Consumer behavior- Describes how consumers make purchase decisions and how they use and dispose of the purchased goods or services.

Giving reasons for consumers to buy your products is key. Adapting to consumer's decision making and knowing what they want or need is important in having a successful company. Consumers generally follow the 5 step consumer decision-making process when buying new or expensive products. The 5 steps are: need recognition, information search, evaluation or alternatives, purchase and postpurchase behavior. Nike helps consumers make their decision making process easier by having ads and commercials explaing their products and making their products stylish to make consumers want the product. The commercials catch the attentions of consumers by being flashy and unique but also, having big name athletes bring more consumers to certain products. Believing that the product will make you play like the athlete makes people want to by the product but in most cases, this is not true. Other consumers by the products for fashion reasons.

Lebron James came out with a new sneaker called the Lebron X. Nike came up with commercials advertising these sneakers and having ads in talking about the benefits of the shoe and the style of the shoe. Its all about how the sneaker looks so designers have to do a great job of desiging the sneaker and making it stylish to bring the attention of the consumer.Here is the ad of the Lebron X sneakers in

Also having commercials showing the product and the athlete behind it brings a lot of attention to it and makes consumers want to look into the product more and later on buy it. Here is a commercial on the Lebron X sneakers:

Monday, October 1, 2012

Chapter five: Developing a Global Vision 
Global Marketing- Marketing that targets markets throughout the world.
Global Vision- Recognizing and reacting to international marketing opportunities, using effective global marketing strategies, and being aware of threats from foreign competitors in all marktes.  

Nike Inc. has done a great job extending its self around the world by having operations in more than 160 countries, striving hard to accomplish their mission so having a global vision goes hand to hand with this. They want to inspire and innovate better products for athletes to be able to play to their fullest potential. Nike understands that they have lots of competition with other brands like Adidas and Reebox, this is when having top rank athletes in every sport endorsing their products comes in handy. Having sneakers named after great athelets brings in many consumers to buy their products, giving Nike the edge in the sportswear industry.    
Nike Soccer:
One of the biggest worldwide sports today is football, also known as soccer. Because of this, Nike has taking a leap and started doing events to help young soccer athletes around the world have chances to live the professional dream. By helping these young athletes Nike has maken themselves known as a company that has the priority in helping the ones in need around them. Here is a video about this:
     From the USA to Ghana, China to Peru, the global search is on.